Offer your customers a smooth invoice reminder experience by aggregating all overdue invoices in a single email.
What are consolidated invoice reminders?
Collect provides a workflow feature, allowing you to send invoice reminders to customers (also referred to as Buyers) through customized emails.
If a Buyer has several open invoices, with this feature Collect will consolidate the open invoices into a single reminder schedule to your customer to ensure the best deliverability of your emails.
How do consolidated invoice reminders work?
Capchase Collect sends reminders based on a sequence tied to the invoices. Sequences are schedules upon which a certain customer will receive open invoice reminders, these are customizable via the Collect platform.
When consolidating invoice reminders, Collect will follow the sequence of the carrying invoice (the most overdue invoice). Once this carrying invoice is paid, the next action will be determined by a new carrying invoice. The custom variables referring to an individual invoice (e.g. Invoice Number) will refer to the carrying invoice while this option is enabled.
What if I don’t want to consolidate invoice reminders?
You can easily disable this feature on the auto-reminders setting page, which can be accessed on the Buyers page.
For any questions, you can always reach us at