Personalize your reminders with custom variables Personalize your reminders with custom variables

Personalize your reminders with custom variables


What are the custom variables?

Custom variables allow you to customize the content and schedule settings for your invoice reminders. With custom variables, you can adjust timing, inputs in your reminder templates and more!

How can I set custom variables in Collect?

Variables can bring a high level of personalization to your reminders, and you can set them directly when configuring your Workflows. We highly recommend you personalize your email reminders by adding custom variables.

To include variables in your reminders, go to Collect on the left-hand menu and click on ‘View all buyers’. Click on ‘Go to Settings’ and you’ll see the email settings page. You can add new variables by clicking on the ‘Add variable’ button under the text box. See the steps below:



Note that when the consolidating reminders option is turned on, Collect will use the custom variables setting of your carrying invoice (the most overdue invoice).


See below our current variables and what they mean:

Variable Name Tag Description
Invoice Number {invoice_number} Unique reference number for the invoice.
Invoice Issue Date {invoice_issue_date} The net amount of the invoice.
Invoice Due Date {invoice_due_date} Date when the invoice is due.
Invoice Amount {invoice_total_amount} The net amount of the invoice.
Invoice Outstanding Amount {invoice_outstanding_amount} The outstanding amount of the invoice.
Invoice Days To Due Date {invoice_days_to_due_date} The number of days remaining until the due date (capped at 0).
Invoice Days Since Due Date {invoice_days_since_due_date} The number of days past from the due date (capped at 0).
Invoice Days Since Issue Date {invoice_days_since_issue_date} The number of days past from the issue date (capped at 0).
Buyer Name {customer_name} Name of the company receiving the invoice.
Overdue Amount {customer_overdue_amount} The total amount overdue from this Buyer, this amount considers all open overdue invoices at the moment of the email reminder.
Overdue Invoice Number List {customer_invoice_number_list} List of invoice reference numbers for overdue invoices.
Overdue Invoice Info List {customer_invoice_info_list} List of relevant invoice information (reference number, outstanding amount, and due date) for the overdue invoices for a given company.


• #12345 - $10,000.00 - 10/August/2023

• #23456 - $15,000.00 - 15/August/2023

• #34567 - $20,000.00 - 20/August/2023

Total Number of Overdue Invoices {total_number_of_invoices} Total number of overdue invoices for a given company

For any questions, you can always reach us at

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